Twitter Cards for Business. Yay or Nay?

When it comes to social media for business, leveraging the power of Twitter isn’t always easy. Designed to connect people “in the moment”, Twitter is limited by the number of characters you can use, images you can upload, people you can tag and the overall short lifespan of a tweet. Even when you get everything right, Twitter for business isn’t easy. But with over 320 million active users and 1 billion unique visits each month to sites with embedded Tweets, businesses today can’t afford to miss out on the power of Twitter or Twitter cards.


When Is a Tweet more Than a Tweet?

To overcome the 140-character limit, Twitter introduced media-rich Twitter cards. If you’ve ever watched a Vine, viewed a YouTube video or installed an app on Twitter, you already know what we’re talking about. These media-rich tweets allow your Tweets to stand out is a sea of text, pique interest, promote brand awareness, drive traffic and increase sales.

Hand holding smart phone

Birds Of a Feather

By simply adding a few lines of HTML code to your webpage, any user who Tweets a link to your content will automatically have a “card” added to that tweet. For example, if you have written a blog or article about something in your given industry and somebody tweets about it, the original article will appear alongside the tweet. Not only can you piggyback off another tweet, it’s a great way to get your name out there while driving qualified traffic to your site.

Young woman on smart phone

Ruffling a Few Feathers

Geared to accommodate your social media needs, there are currently 10 different Twitter cards you can use (all for free) depending on the needs and objectives of your business. You can ask followers to sign up for your emailing list, register on your website, view or use a coupon, visit your website or download your app. You can generate leads, drive traffic and increase sales. In short, Twitter cards for business is definitely something to chirp about.